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Friday, October 29, 2010

Draw with Me

watching the clouds and dreaming
2:26 PM

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Don't know what to do anymore
feel so lost...

I can feel it coming closer
but I don't want it to take anybody else

Please stop walking of into the darkness...
Please come back

Please find your way back to Him...

watching the clouds and dreaming
3:43 AM

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just you and me...

"When will I be able to hear you after these years I once heard you but that time has passed and I can't seem to recognize you anymore....... I just want to hear you once again" A message to....

"You are the most caring person that I have ever met and cared for me and if you left, things just wouldn't be the same, I'm sorry for being selfish, I was wrong to keep myself from telling you this and I'm sorry.....
I pray that no matter what happens to you, You'll continue to follow God's everlasting plan just for you, and you're right it was wrong to think that you could do it alone, I just want to support you from now on"

I still Love YOU with all my heart.... Joel

watching the clouds and dreaming
1:36 AM

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So it begins....

Ello again,
-was working on drawing,
-will be strangling the tag board for it's many advertisements
-currently blogging

so this week wasn't too great but will continue prasin the Lord

"Thanks Joel for the talk that we had" :)

Random thought of the day:I wonder what my wabbits are thinking about right now.


watching the clouds and dreaming
12:15 AM

Saturday, June 5, 2010


just when I thought I finally killed you Mr.Blog
you somehow revive yourself.
nevermind I'll kill you someday >:)

I might as well blod since I haven't blog for a long time and since I have my com might as well use it cause I'm doing Edwin's card anyway

Random thought of the day : I wonder how it feels like to be run over by a car

I think my body is falling apart cause now and then I sometimes feel so tired that I feel like fainting
and also the nosebleeds.

nothin much been hapenin

watching the clouds and dreaming
4:27 AM

Friday, April 23, 2010

School ?

I've always wondered what it would be like to go to school,
yet I will never have the chance to do so.

What is it like to go to school?
What is it like to sit in class?
What is it like to listen to the teacher that is actually there?
What is it like to meet your friends everyday just to fool around and chat?
What is it like to bring a friend to Christ?
What is it like to do projects and presentation with friends and people?
And so many more "what is it like"s
So what is it like?

Sometimes I wish I could just start my life again and go to a regular school and make new friends and just lead a normal life until I meet Christ and then lead someone else to Christ,
but what's the point of wishing?

If only things could be different.

"It's time to live a life that pleases you."

watching the clouds and dreaming
2:55 AM

Monday, March 22, 2010

first of all I want to say sorry cause I'm up so late but it's cause I was researching about something.

so I haven't blogged in a while, but it's cause I haven't use my com for quite awhile so sorry:P

I don't really know but I think I'm taking people for granted and because of that I never do anything to help or reach out to them. So if you think you are one of them I just want to say I'm sorry.

Today and last week's sermon really got me thinking about shepherding so I've tried and observe how people sheperd their sheep, and now I really think sometimes we sheep take them for granted,
cause sheperds really try to the best of their abilitys to help us,
But we wander away and places of danger and darkness until we be come so lost yet we sometimes blame our sheperds for our actions.

well that was sort of what was on my mind, the rest is like jumbled up:P

I also want to try to learn to draw (not like draw kiddish things, but to really draw).

well BYE :)

watching the clouds and dreaming
2:47 AM